Hands-on Course in Tablet Technology

The University of Mississippi

Advanced Course

Picture of outside of Ashland Laboratory building in Wilmington, Delaware

The Pii Center for Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy is proud to partner with Ashland Specialty Ingredients to offer the Advanced Hands-on Course in Tablet Technology, which takes place at Ashland’s state-of-the-art Research Center in Wilmington, Delaware.

The Advanced Course, initiated in 2022, builds on the fundamental principles taught in the lecture and laboratory sessions of the Hands-on Course in Tablet Technology by providing more in-depth training in selected areas of oral solid dosage form processing and manufacturing for professionals in the pharmaceutical and related industries, including those involved in research and development, manufacturing, quality control/assurance, and regulatory compliance.

Morning lectures provide in-depth background to the science and practice underlying the operations that are then conducted in the laboratory sessions.  

In the 16 hours of hands-on laboratory sessions, participants work in teams to manufacture and evaluate extended-release formulations for granulation, flow properties and segregation potential, tablet compression and compaction simulation, coating performance, continuous manufacturing, hot-melt extrusion processing, and conformance to target release rates/IVIVC evaluation.

The Advanced Course is designed for professionals with a fundamental understanding of the science of tablet technology who wish to gain more knowledge and experience in advanced areas of design and practice.


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[expand title=”Schedule” tag=”h3″]

Sunday Night

6-8 p.m. – Registration, Reception and Orientation

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
8 a.m. Polymer Science for Pharmaceutical Formulation Extended Release – Matrix Systems Lab Sessions Continuous Processing-Components and Technology
9 a.m. Powder Characterization – Blending and Flow Properties Melt Extrusion– Solubilization and Extended Release Lab Sessions Continuous Processing – Implementation and Case Studies
10 a.m. Advances in granulation technology – Twin Screw Granulation (TSG) Delayed Release – Tablet Coating Lab Sessions Statistical Design of Experiments and Data Interpretation using JMP
11 a.m. Compression and Compaction Simulator Studies Extended Release – Powder and Bead Coating Lab Sessions Presentation and Discussion of Results – Prototype Formulation Results
12 p.m Lunch Lunch Lunch
1-5 p.m. Lab Sessions Lab Sessions Lab Sessions
6-8 p.m. Bowling Night
Presenters Dinner


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LAB 1 – Powder Characterization

Evaluate properties of prototype and participant-designed formulations for:

  • Flow
  • Compression properties
  • Particle Size Distribution

LAB 2 – Twin Screw Granulation

Manufacture granulations via twin-screw process

  • Evaluate effects of equipment parameters on processing
  • Manufacture formulations as part of statistical design of experiments (DOE)

LAB 3 – Compression

Evaluate processing (flow and compressibility) of prototype and participant-designed formulations

  • Effects of formulation components
  • Granulated vs direct compression formulations

LAB 4 – Physical Evaluation and Dissolution

Perform analyses to evaluate tablet characteristics

  • Tablet physical characteristics
  • Tablet hydration and release mechanisms
  • Set up automated dissolution to evaluate drug release over 12 hours

LAB 5 – Hot Melt Extrusion

Evaluate processing of hot melt extruded material

  • Effect of excipients
  • Effect of process/equipment parameters

LAB 6 – Tablet and Bead Coating

Examine modified-release applications of applied coatings using

  • Tablet pan coating equipment
  • Fluid-bed bead coating

LAB 7 – Compaction Simulator Studies

Utilize compaction simulator for

  • Troubleshooting tablet capping
  • Comparing expected performance between commercial compression machines
  • Manufacturing prototype bilayer tablets

LAB 8 – Continuous Processing

Evaluate continuous mixing operation followed by high speed compression


Enrollment Contacts

Special Accommodations

Dorothy Tunstall

Phone: (302) 995-3201
